Steel Roofing Nova Scotia

Steel Roofing Nova Scotia

A Steel Roofing Nova Scotia company located in Halifax, and servicing all areas around HRM, including Bedford, Dartmouth, and Sackville. With a strong emphasis on customer service, as well as understanding that quality is key to the sustainability of any business, you...
Metal Roof Insulation Advice

Metal Roof Insulation Advice

Metal Roof Insulation In both new residential and commercial buildings, metal roof insulation is critical for optimizing energy quality, acoustics, comfort, and living conditions. Since the roof is the primary source of energy loss in a non-insulated structure,...
How Long Does a Metal Roof Last

How Long Does a Metal Roof Last

Considering most roof warranties can offer around 50 years of coverage, a handful of different metal roofs have been known to have lifespans of up to 100 years. There are lots of factors that affect the longevity of a metal roof, which also include the type of metal...
Metal Roofing Nova Scotia – Our Guide

Metal Roofing Nova Scotia – Our Guide

Metal Roofing in Nova Scotia In Nova Scotia, residential metal roofing is ideal for both historic and new homes. Metal roofs are popping up all over the country, from the eclectic blend of heritage homes in the south shore to the ultra-modern clean lines of new builds...