Many aspects of a home’s exterior are vulnerable and can fluctuate over time, and shingles are no exception. Shingles will normally fade with time, but the rate we can expect them to fade is mostly controlled by the color of the shingles when they were first installed. The fading of darker shingles is more noticeable than the fading of lighter tiles. The color is leached in large part due to sunlight and weather variations.

Shingles are constructed of the same substance at their core, and they, like roads and parking lots, spend a lot of time outside. As a result, they go through a similar color-leaching process. Sun and weather patterns, however, aren’t the only factors to consider. The parts that follow will go over how various environmental conditions might impact your roof’s aging process, how these considerations should impact your decision to buy new shingles, and when to replace existing ones. 

Do Roof Shingles Change Color Over Time?

As you are undoubtedly aware, the environment in which your home is located has a significant impact on how your shingles age. The color of your shingles might vary in two ways as a result of this:

As previously indicated, color fading has a huge influence. The sun’s UV rays will fade the color of everything that has been outside for a long period, including outdoor furniture and human hair. Long-term exposure to sunshine and shifting weather patterns in temperate and dry areas will cause your shingles to lose their color over time.

Shingles can accumulate algae in wetter, tropical climes, causing them to acquire black streaks.
In addition to fading from high sunlight, algae development can develop. According to HomeAdvisor, customers shopping for shingles in humid locations should opt for algae-resistant shingles (AR) to avoid this problem.

It’s worth noting that even if the new shingles are the same type as the old ones, changing parts of a roof will result in various hues of color. The new shingles should blend in with the older shingles as they fade, but this isn’t always the case.

Factors That Can Affect Shingle Fading

Before getting into big-picture ideas like weather dynamics and sun exposure, it’s vital to understand how typically the fading process is affected by conditions in your local area. The following are some concrete aspects that influence how your roof fades:

The pace of change for shingles shaded by mature trees and other large buildings around your house will be slowed, but sunny parts of your roof will continue to fade.

The amount of shingle exposure is determined by the direction of your home. The shingles on the roof that face south is subjected to the most weathering, while those facing north are subjected to the least.

Because rain is inherently acidic, it might cause fading when it rains frequently. Rainwater with artificially increased acidity, often known as “acid rain,” might hasten the process. Unfortunately, if you already own a home, these elements are almost totally beyond your control (I say almost since it is possible to cut down trees or maybe plant new ones), but they are vital to consider if you want to build your own home. 

RELATED: 5 Signs It’s Time for A New Roof Installation in Halifax

Roof Fading: What to Expect from Different Roof Types

Roofing materials are exposed to UV radiation from the sun, wind, and moisture on a regular basis.
Roof fading occurs as the color is steadily leached away over time. Here’s what you may expect from various materials as time goes on. 

Do Asphalt Singles Fade?

An asphalt shingle roof can fade, but the pace at which they do so varies, particularly in terms of shadow.
Dark grey shingles will fade more quickly to lighter greys than shingles that start out lighter. Choose lighter hues for your shingle color if you want it to last.

They usually diminish in a predictable pattern, although this isn’t always the case. Uneven fading can be caused by areas of shadow, weather fluctuations, and the location of your home. You can also have issues if you try to replace a section of your roof and the new shingles you bought are a distinct color from your older, fading shingles.

When replacing your Halifax home’s roof tiles, attempt to match the present shingle color as close as possible. 

Do Metal Roofs Fade?

Metal roof fading happens over time since metal roofs can get corroded. Coatings are applied to metal roofs to add color while also protecting them from dirt and corrosion. This coated metal, especially those that enhance the color, is closely connected to how resistant the metal is to roof fading. A metal roof can last for 10 to 50 years, depending on which type of paint used and how well it is maintained.

Metal roofs, on the other hand, may chalk if the paint is of low quality or if they are exposed to a hostile climate, especially for brighter hues. So, wherever feasible, stick to more natural metallic colors and tones, lighter hues, and keep in mind that you typically get what you paid for. 

Do Slate Roofs Fade?

Roof materials and weathering of slate roofs often retain their native stone hues, which wear differently than paint or asphalt. According to the National Slate Association, if you have a slate roof, the new grey tint will ultimately color fade to an earth tone. If you buy slate, you may find that depending on the type of slate and the finish it comes with, you have a lot of options for controlling how much weathering you want.
Weathered slate can look fantastic on a roof, but keep in mind that the hues can fade over a period of time. 

Clay’s color doesn’t fade. Depending on the kind, clay tiles may be able to protect against fading for up to 50 years (sometimes even over your entire life). Because of the way the tiles are made, clay resists roof fading. The colors of traditional red clay and pigment-based ceramic tiles are naturally incorporated into the clay, so there is no layer of paint or finish to wear away. This aids the tiles’ resistance to sunlight damage and corrosive factors’ bleaching effects. Of course, color softening will still occur, but the effects will be minor. 

How Shingle Color Choice and Fade Affects Your House

While fading may appear to be an annoyance, it’s more vital to understand how different shingle colors affect your home’s capacity to retain or shed heat. The brands you choose will have an impact on how well your new shingles work in the long run.

Because they absorb more heat and light than they reflect into the atmosphere, darker shingles fade more dramatically than lighter shingles. In colder areas, when dwellings are intended to keep heat in throughout the winter, these shingles are useful.

Light-colored shingles are preferable in warm climates because they reflect heat and light away from the home, helping to keep it cooler.

If you want to match your new shingles to the old ones, make sure you set them on your roof first to ensure the color matches. When purchasing a new hue, this is also a smart tip to follow.

They’re treated with granules to prevent fading and improve fire resistance. The fading process will take several years to complete, but it will ultimately impact the color of your roof. Though faded shingles may appear less appealing, keep in mind that their general function is unaffected. 

Roof Fading FAQS

How to Prevent Metal Roof Chalking and Fading

Although roof fading and chalking are natural processes, there are things you may take to postpone and lessen their effects.

Lighter, inorganic paint colors will chalk and fade more slowly, and the effects will be less noticeable.
Furthermore, selecting high-quality metal coatings may and will make a significant impact on the protection of your roof.

You can also try to stay as far away from certain factors as possible, such as sunshine, wetness, and pollution. Roofs facing north, for example, get substantially less direct sunlight than roofs facing south. Roofs, on the other hand, are clearly designed to shelter you from the elements! 

How To Measure Color Fading On A Metal Panel

Because everyone perceives color differently, computer software that reads the color revolve around tristimulus values determines the panel’s color fidelity. Delta E represents the final outcome. Delta E is a mathematical representation of the three color scales used in paint. 

The 3 scales are:

A = Measures Red and Green tones

L = Measures lightness and darkness

B = Measures Yellow and Blue tones

Are Fading Roof Shingles Safe?

While roof fading is unsightly, it shouldn’t represent a threat to the integrity of your roof or the safety of your home’s occupants unless you had a substandard roofing job. Roof shingles that have discolored due to biological causes (mold, algae-ridden shingles, mildew) can age the appearance and possibly compromise the structural integrity of your roof. The black areas might be signs that they need to be replaced. 

Roof Installation Experts in Halifax, NS

 Are you in need of roof installation in Halifax? Our team of professionals can help you with your roofing project, ensuring you have the right materials in place for your goals and objectives. Contact us today for your no-obligation, free quote!

Disclaimer:  This article intends to offer general knowledge on this topic.  While every caution has been taken to provide accurate information, it does not intend as professional advice.  Please consult with an industry professional in your area to obtain proper advice based on your unique circumstances.  Elite Roofing Halifax and its parent company will not be held liable in any way should you suffer any loss/damage because of the information in this blog.